Remember, not very long ago, when a little boy climbed into a gorillas enclosure at the zoo? Remember how the gorilla dragged him around, nearly killing him, and eventually the gorilla was shot to save the boy?
Remember how upset the Internet was over that one? Remember the "hilarious" memes about the so obviously neglectful mother of the boy who "should have been shot instead"?
Those were a riot. That's real comedy.
And remember, a few months ago, when that mom in Arizona accidentally left her baby in a shopping cart at Target? Remember how distraught she was in that video, still beating herself up about a mistake she had made weeks ago, even though everything had worked out ok?
Strangers, safe behind their phone screens, tore her apart. They would never do something like that. They were more responsible parents. This woman clearly deserved to have each of her five children taken from her.
All of this has been happening with me sort of as a silent spectator, the new mom taking notes, always reminding myself not to pay much attention to internet trolls.
But what about when it's you? What about when it's real life?
Today, I was babysitting my 9 year old nephew, and he wanted to go for a drive and play Pokemon Go. (Of course.) So, trying to be a fun aunt (and also because I have a major sugar addiction) I stopped at Maverick to get us a treat. My nephew was sitting in the back with Dayen, so I left the car on, parked right by the door, and ran inside. I couldn't have been gone more than a minute.
When I got back to the car, the lady parked next to me was staring me down. I tried to ignore her while I handed out treats, but she wouldn't stop. When I looked up, she mouthed, "wow."
And, just so you get a good idea of the scene here, she was sitting in her car, with her windows rolled up, and smoking. There was a young teenage girl in the back seat. Lucky for her, my mother taught me not to stare.
Now, had this happened two years ago, I probably would have just driven away, feeling slightly embarrassed. But these dang maternal hormones sure kick in at the worst time, and probably because this blog post has been brewing in my head for awhile now, I was on fire. Livid. Bursting with the poetic energy that I can only ever write, not speak. Dang it.
So, I did the un-Christian thing and rolled down my window. She ignored me at first (still staring, naturally) then finally rolled hers down. Very politely, I asked, "Were you trying to say something to me?" (My mother also taught me to kill people with kindness.) She said, "Did I look like I was trying to talk to you?" I just shrugged, trying to stay happy, and said, "You were just staring so I figured you wanted to talk to me." She rolled her eyes and replied, "Were my lips moving? Then I wasn't trying to talk to you."
After which, I may have said something mean as I rolled up the window and drove away.
Here's the thing: you may fall on either side of this issue. Maybe I was right, maybe I was in the wrong. But if her concern, truly, was the welfare of these children, then she approached it in absolutely the wrong way.
Which is why, in most cases, I don't believe that is everyone's biggest concern. If it was about the kids, if it really concerned her so much, she could have sat by the car to make sure they were safe until I got back, and then kindly told me that she knows a kid who got kidnapped, or a family whose car shifted into gear and drove out onto the highway. She could have reminded me that I could have just brought them in, even if it's a pain, even if I trust my 9 year old nephew to watch my baby for one minute while I'm 10 feet away.
She could have said any of that, but instead she hid behind her screen (ok this would be so much more poetic of cars had screens) and judged me. She judged what kind of person I was, what kind of mother I was, and she decided I was trash. She decided I deserved to be treated that way, even though it couldn't lead anywhere productive.
If you're a mom, you get it: the most hurtful thing you can do is question the love they have for that child and their wellbeing.
Clearly, that random stranger was not here while I woke up every couple hours all through the night for months to feed him. She doesn't know that we spend our afternoons playing hide and seek and doing crafts, and that I have taught him most of his letters already. She has no clue that I would give my life for this sweet little boy who means the world to me, as well as for my nephew.
One single moment in my life she judged me for. And I could defend my reasonings, but it wouldn't matter to her.
All winter long, I watch my friends post things like "I saw a baby in the store with no shoes. Come on people! If you need shoes, your kids need shoes!" and it just makes me cringe. You can't judge someone off one moment. You just can't! Whether it's what they are wearing or what they say or whether or not their kids have shoes: you don't know them!
Dayen and I were walking through Wal Mart the other day when he kicked off his shoe. I didn't notice at first, and after we retraced our steps and found it, I realized it had probably been gone 10 minutes before I noticed.
And have you people ever had kids before? They don't keep shoes on!!! Shoes are a joke! Especially if your kid can't even walk yet. Not worth the effort.
Maybe that person you are judging doesn't realize their kids kicked off their shoes 10 aisles back.
Maybe they can't afford shoes!
If you're concerned, get off Facebook and KINDLY help!
I will gladly spend the rest of my life worried about the safety of my children. But I shouldn't have to worry about what everyone else thinks about me as a mother.
It just drives me crazy, this mom-on-mom bullying. I used to be part of a Facebook group for moms that I LOVED. Then one day a girl was getting attacked for circumcising her son. (HER son!!!) I came to her aid and immediately had moms, who had once been my friends, jumping down my throat. One mom threatened to call CPS on me because she couldn't believe I would mutilate my son like that.
My son who I take care of every moment of every day!
Can you tell it makes me livid?
I am not just livid for myself, but for everyone who has had this happen to them. And I will admit: yes, there are some crappy moms out there. But I think, for the most part, we are all doing our best. The world is not full of heroes and villains, people who are either good or bad. Like it or not, we've all got a little of both in us.
And we can't please everyone all the time! What one person thinks is ok might be horrible to someone else. Everyday you make the decision how to raise your kids. And you have that right!
Why can't we just have each other's backs? Why can't we support and help each other with this insanely difficult job called parenting? Why can't we put ourselves in their shoes and realize how much it hurts when someone criticizes our parenting?
I don't care if you're just telling me my baby needs a jacket. If he's not wearing one, I've already assessed the situation and decided, as his mother, that he was fine.
So, as we say in elementary school... Mind your own business. And if you see a kid that is truly in mortal danger, then KINDLY HELP. Don't judge! Judging helps no one.
I have to wonder, as that lady sat staring at my car, waiting for me to come out so she could stare at me and make me feel like dirt... What would have happened if it had been my husband instead? I could be wrong, but I truly believe she wouldn't have done a thing. It's just not the same with dads. We give them a free pass. Good for you for not watching sports tonight. But moms... You're supposed to know better.
The poor mom who had to watch her son being dragged around by a gorilla because she looked away for a second. The poor mom who had to relive her worst mistake over and over again because strangers who didn't know her couldn't let it go, and wanted to see everything taken away from her.
Pardon my massive soap box, but not a lot of things make me this upset.
Mom on mom bullying. It's a thing. And it's something we can, we must stop doing to each other.